Apart from deciding to go for x64 which caused a whole load of its own issues, Windows last night decided it was time for some updates and the obligitory reboot.
Very kindly of course, Windows waited until the middle of the night to do this, thus waking me in the early hours of the morning when the black screen with bright white writing appeared to inform me that my registry was stuffed. I duly turned off the computer and went back to sleep.
I returned home from work today thinking I would fix the problem. Tried booting 'Last known good configuration' and tried booting 'Safe Mode' but received the same error message over and over.
I went for a hunt around for my Vista media. After a good 15 minutes of searching, I found the disk and booted off it, selecting the repair option. Apparently my system volume had bad sectors. I then restarted my computer and exactly the same problem occurred!
So I booted off the disc again and again it told me that it had to repair my system volume and told me to wait... restart... same again!
Around I go again - note that the process of booting from the DVD takes a while... especially if you forget to press a key when prompted! - and after a couple more attempts and the advanced CLI that I opened up to run chkdsk /F for myself, it eventually tries to fix the registry.
Same message again! I'm starting to get a little annoyed by this point but I persevered to no avail.
My computer is now reinstalling Windows in the faint hope that I might be able to resolve the problem and then perform not too many tasks to get my computer working 'properly' again... at least this might fix my problem with Windows only using one of the tuners in my dual-DVBT card!
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