Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nagios Update

OK... Chris pointed out that I am a numpty... spotting that I hadn't installed a VRML plugin into my browser. Plugin installed, I can now view the 3D status map... not that it's very exciting!

I have also just found out why my icons were missing. For some reason they weren't in the website folder! This is very strange because I remember putting them there and I have even changed the permissions on them. :-S All fixed now though :-D

I spent an hour or two today splitting my config files into template-based versions. This was easy enough to do but it was very time consuming - I'm monitoring a lot of services and hosts! What this should mean, is that I can more easily add new hosts and service checks to existing hosts.

All that remains is to complete the NRPE_NT installation on the remaining servers and possibly passive SNMP trap checks for devices like the SAN and Citrix which don't respond to SNMP get commands.

Oh yeah... I need to fix the mail on that box so that it emails me properly ;-)

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