Sunday, November 29, 2009
Adobe Badges
I'd forgotten I'd taken this and, I think, it's rather good :-)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Noise versus ISO for Canon EOS 1Ds
This whole 'faking' of ISO settings - basically using a full stop lower ISO setting and boosting the EV in camera which caused problems.
It seems that the 5D also suffers from this, although the effect is seen at different points through the ISO range. This got me thinking... does my 1Ds do the same thing? An experiment was required!
After a few practices, I settled on the following conditions:
- Camera set to Manual
- No lens - just the body cap
- Eye-piece cover shut
- Exposure time set to 30 seconds (this exagerated the noise at very low ISO)
I then took a shot at each ISO setting (from 50 to 1250) and measured the mean luminance in Photoshop CS4. That produced the following graph (which didn't show a lot because I didn't have enough noise!).
I re-measured the luminance after increasing the EV on each shot by 20. This made for some noisy shots at high ISO (as you would expect!). The following graph was produced which showed the differences a little clearer.
So... what does this prove? IMHO, the 1Ds does not suffer from the faking of ISO settings in the same way as the 5D and 40D were described. Although the graphs do not clearly show this, ISO 160 did produce slightly less noise than both those ISOs below and those above it - the difference was only 0.06 on the +20 EV shot mind ;-)
Friday, September 04, 2009
Picasa and Flickr
Today I came a cross a great little app called Picasa2Flickr which adds another button to Picasa which uses Flickr Uploadr to get the selected pictures onto the web. Not the prettiest solution but it does seem to carry across all the titles, tags, etc. (except for the geotag data).
A note about the installation though... it's not immediately obvious but you need to click the links in the instructions to get the button to install correctly.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Facebook Test Post
Anyway... here's a pic...
Blackpool Air Display
Before the meetings, I popped along to Blackpool for their annual air display. It was glorious sunshine and it was really nice to relax on the prom at North Shore for a couple of hours.
The air show also gave me the opportunity to play with my 500mm camera lens :-) By adding my 1.4x extender I got a full 700mm too :-D
Here's a sample of the pics I took (the noise was awesome when the Vulcan flew over - full afterburners, the lot!)
Monday, August 03, 2009
Pocket Scrobbling!
A part of the experience is the 'Scrobbler'. It basically sits there while you listen to music and sends information to your profile - it only sends deatails of tracks that you listen to a certain percentage of though so that you can skip through the rubbish.
Anyway, I primarily listen to music on my phone (HTC Touch Pro2), so these haven't been getting 'scrobbled'. Today I stumbled across an app though... the 'Pocket Scrobbler'.
The Pocket Scrobbler will work offline too and only send data when you want it too. Brilliant!
Check it out at - I decided to try the 1.8 beta... TinyURL is if you want to easily download it onto your device.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Matt of the 'Mill
I think it looks rather fetching ;-)
Thursday, July 02, 2009
HTC Touch Pro2
I recently had the opportunity to swap it for a Touch Pro2. I knew it would be nicer but it's INCREDIBLE!
The phone is quicker, smoother and generally easier to use. The bigger screen is amazing and the battery life is far superior. Hell, even the audio from it is better.
I do have one criticism mind... the keyboard isn't as good. The keys are now spaced apart and are bigger - hence less of them. I really think that the old layout should have been kept... it was perfect after all ;-)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
How full?
Saturday, June 06, 2009
The Windmill does take-out
The instructions are maybe a little much though... You don't deserve to drink if you think holding the carton upside down is a good idea!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The EduGeek giant and his wine
Thursday, May 07, 2009
More Success at The Windmill Quiz
This week the team comprised four and the questions were a lot easier than last week - last week was particularly difficult!
Although we almost came joint first (a re-count was called) we ended up second by one point :-( All was not lost though as this achievment won us a round of drinks :-)
All in all not bad then, eh?!?
Friday, May 01, 2009
So Tom had chicken
Eating out for Dad's birthday
After getting lost we're all here now but we aren' allowed to sit down and eat because there's no tables (see picture!)
Anyway... Only another 30 mins to wait.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Picasa and Picasa Web Albums
The easiest way to do this was to use Picasa (which I already use to organise my pictures) which allows easy upload to Picasa Web Albums. After a few clicks, the job was done.
I've even added a couple of albums on the right hand side for you to enjoy if you can't be bothered bowsing all the way to
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The picture round was easier than usual for us - all Disney characters ;-)
Anyways... we won! Not bad eh? 61 points! So a free round of drinks was ours.
Now we just need to win the higher and lower game... it's up to about £150 now :-)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
He's going to be an environment officer working for the Environment Agency in Penrith on a decent salary too.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Playing with HDR
I've seen a few examples of HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography lately and it looked pretty wicked... so I thought I'd have a bash.
I found a tutorial on Instructables that explained the process using the GIMP. This was the result using photos of some snowdrops in the dark.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Touching the music
The Windmill is about a mile from my house and it takes me roughly 15 minutes to walk there :-( This is about 14.5 minutes longer than it took to get to the club!
To make my walk slightly more bearable, I decided I would listen to some music. The obvious choice was to use my phone. I have a 1GB microSD card which I chuck a load of albums onto in MP3 and WMA format. The sound quality is OK. The only problem was that the earphones that come with the Touch Pro are pathetic to say the least. If you imagine a pair of headphones without the headband, you wouldn't be far off the earphones - they're huge and don't even fit in my ears!!!
The Toouch Pro only has a slightly mangled mini-USB connector or everything to plug in to so the first thing I needed was an adapter. Flea-bay to the rescue and £2.50 (inc. postage) later and I could now plug a 3.5mm jack into my phone. Bargain!
Then to choose the earphones. Only one choice really... the Sennheiser CX-range. Unbelievably I managed to find a set of CX-500 earphones for a meagre £17.50 delivered (another Flea-bay bargain - new and in the box!). Considering these earphones are £60 at Richer Sounds it's amazing!
I've been using the combination of the adapter and earphones for about a week now. It's brilliant. The earphones produce excellent sound... nice and basey and excellent top too. Background noise is irradicated too - possibly not a good thing when you're walking but as long as you're careful....
Monday, February 23, 2009
Falling into the mobile Internet trap
I spotted a bargain-priced HTC Touch Pro on flea-bay and decided to have a punt... £250 later I had a nearly new Touch Pro with car kit and a PAYT SIM (which I have no use for).
The first thing I did was use the new Google Mobile Sync Beta to get all my contact details on my phone. This was dead easy and my phone was soon set up to sync the contacts and calendar!
Next came email... very important! Again, this was super easy to setup and I was soon sending and receiving mail.
Next for mobile blogging. I use Blogger (another great Google App!) and decided to use the Mail2Blogger function rather than the 'other' way of working Blogger simply because it made the most sense to me. An example is the post of my tidy office below ;-)
The next thing I needed was an IM client but I needed it to be compatible with XMPP (for the chat server) and MSN. Ideally I wanted Pidgin for Windows Mobile but this doesn't exist :'( After some Googling and seeing some rubbish apps, I stumbled across Palringo which seems to do the trick quite nicely. My only criticism is the random noise it makes when it receives a message - although this is probably configurable if I really looked into it!
Finally... a few important favourites for Opera Mobile... my work email uses Zimbra which has a mobile web interface and of course has a mobile interface which can be easily accessed through